Health and Fitness

Begin Your Workout Journey at Home: The Best Exercises to Boost your Fitness and Achieve your Goals

Choosing to hit the gym to achieve your dream body is a wise decision, but suppose you’re a busy one with a full schedule, days pass by, and your gym subscription expires every month. In this case, the best thing for you would be to try at-home workouts, which are just as efficient, all it takes is a big dose of motivation, discipline and consistency. Exercising in the comfort of your own home can make your fitness journey easier, as you have the freedom to learn with no fear of doing something wrong and no judgy eyes around you. To get some inspiration and enhance your motivation, in this article, you can find the best exercises to boost your fitness and achieve your goals at home:

Set up a home gym 

First of all, it’s crucial to choose the room where you would like to work and keep it as a personal indoor gym. The top choice for home gym owners is usually the garage, as it provides you with enough space to move, and you don’t damage flooring or walls with the equipment. Of course, to add a touch of personality, it would be a great idea to work on the design as well because being in a visually pleasing room can skyrocket your motivation. At first, consider purchasing basic equipment, such as a yoga mat and weights, so that you can experiment with the various types of exercises to see what suits your needs best, and then consider heavy machinery that could help you achieve your dream body quickly, such as a classic treadmill, bike, a bench, leg curl machine and infinite rope pulling system. 

Warmup before your workout session 

warming up before your workout sessions is essential because it prepares your body for the exercises, literally warming up the muscles by increasing temperature. Also, it’s a great way to work efficiently in the body areas, as you will most likely feel less exhausted, and it improves flexibility, coordination, and balance. So, dedicate the first part of your training to warm up and then proceed with the best exercises that could help you achieve your fitness goals: 

1. Planks 

A plank is an exercise that involves holding your body in a straight, in-line position for at least a minute. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it is an efficient and home-friendly exercise you can perform with no equipment. A plank works on your core muscles, like rectus abdominis, obliques and transversus abdominis, also known as abs. 

2. Push-ups 

push-ups are one of the most common exercises, but they are very efficient as well, especially for beginners. First of all, they improve your upper-body strength, and they help build muscles in your arms. They also target muscles in the chest, such as the pectoralis. They can also contribute to core stability and improve your overall body strength if done regularly. 

3. Jumping 

Rope jumping is both fun and efficient. So, to make the most of your fitness journey, buy a jump rope to make it part of your at-home gym equipment. It’s a great form of cardio as it increases your heart rate and helps burn calories. Moreover, it also improves coordination and balance, and it could build bone density, making them strong and healthy. 

4. Biceps curls 

Bicep curls are exercises that help build strength in the upper body by focusing on your arms. Moreover, if done correctly, you can boost your core fitness. You can do this exercise with the weights you prefer, starting from lighter and going to heavier ones gradually. Make sure you avoid some common mistakes like going too fast and try to concentrate on the slow movements instead. 

5. Squats 

squats are a functional exercise that works out your lower body parts, helps burn calories and tones your muscles. The main muscles this exercise targets are the glutes, quadriceps in the front of the tight, hamstrings in the back of the tight, abductors and calves. Additionally, squats also target some core muscles, as you use your abs and pectorals for equilibrium and coordination. 

6. Dumbbell lunge 

Lunges are part of the strength training exercises, and by adding weights like dumbbells, you can maximise your workout. You can perform dumbbell walking lunges in your home gym and make them part of your routine to work on your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps and learn to stabilise your body. Focus on the movement, don’t rush and try to maintain your equilibrium.  

7. Rope pulling 

A rope pull machine shouldn’t be missed in your gym because it’s one of the most effective machineries that could lead to incredible results. It’s a combination of cardio and strength workout. It focuses on the upper body muscles, but thanks to the variations of the resistance levels, it also targets the lower parts, which can assist you during your exercises for stabilisation. 

8. Treadmill walk and run 

The treadmill is the most popular cardio machinery you can find in any gym. Walking and running on a treadmill improves cardiovascular health because it may reduce blood pressure and reduce body fat. Thus, we can say that this exercise is also a great choice if you are looking to lose weight, as it supports the calorie-burning process and improves your body fitness, toning your muscles in the upper and lower parts. 

The bottom line 

We hope this article encourages you to begin your fitness journey with confidence. Even if you’re not a pro in the gym, with practice, discipline and enough motivation you can achieve your dream body in a few months. So, it’s crucial to have some clear goals in mind and wake up every day focusing on your priorities, making your workout sessions a habit that can quickly turn into a passion.