5 Fun Secret Santa Gifts for Your Best Friends
Buying gifts for your best friends during the holiday season can sometimes be a bit daunting. But if you have the advantage of giving the gift as Secret Santa, you’ll no doubt have more fun with the selection process.
Not only can you choose a gift that fits their personality to a T — and maybe poke a little fun — but you can do it anonymously, too! If you’re searching for fun gift ideas for your best friends, look no further. These five Secret Santa gift ideas are sure to be a hit.
For the Best Friend Who Can’t Keep a Plant Alive
You know who I’m talking about — the bestie who has a home where plants go to die. In fact, you and other friends may have even taken bets on how quickly she’ll kill the latest plant that has had the misfortune of landing in her home. For this friend, a faux plant is the best way to solve her problem. Will she water it? Maybe. Does it matter? Not really. No matter how much care she gives this Secret Santa gift, it will stay as green as the day she received it. And, in the process, you’ll be a plant-saving hero.
For the Best Gal Pal Who’s an Aspiring Influencer
Do you have a best friend who loves sharing her every move with the entire online universe? Does she spend more time talking into the camera than face-to-face with you? If so, a ring light with a smartphone holder and extendable tripod stand will help your friend maintain that warm, dewy glow from all angles. It’s portable. It’s poseable. It’s perfect. Who’s slaying this Secret Santa gig? You are.
For the Sexy Boss in Your Friend Group
We all have at least one friend who exudes sexy. Sexy clothes, sexy shoes, sexy gym clothes, and definitely a whole collection of sexy lingerie. Why not add to her collection by perusing the great selection of sexy Christmas lingerie from Yandy? With a wide variety of styles and sizes, you’ll surely find something as sexy as your best friend.
For the Bestie Who Loves to Plan
Some people plan, but this best friend likes to plan the planning. While there are probably thousands of varieties of planners available on the market, this planner includes 12 months of calendars, 52 weekly planning pages, writing prompts, quotes, advice, pages for reflecting, and more. Your friend will feel like they have it all together for the entire year, and they’ll have Secret Santa to thank.
For Your Outdoor-Loving Best Friend Who’s Stuck Indoors
Life has a way of keeping our outdoor-loving friends stuck indoors: work, kids, chores, and responsibilities. Bleh. If you have a best friend stuck indoors but daydreaming of being outside, a vegan soy candle scented like a wonderfully warm campfire might just be the cure for their stuck-inside blues. While you’re at it, maybe buy one for Mrs Santa, too. She’ll definitely deserve a treat after all of her Secret Santa awesomeness.
‘Tis the Season for Secret Santa
This is it, and now you’re ready. Not only do you have an amazing group of best friends, but you also have the perfect Secret Santa gift idea for each of them. From faux plants to candles that smell like a campfire, your lucky besties will be thrilled with their gifts and wondering how lucky they were to have you as their Secret Santa this year.